Thursday, November 20, 2008

2 Keys to Modern Marketing: Part Two - Innovation


2 Keys to Modern Marketing: Part Two - Innovation

Posted in business ideas tagged Apple, consumers, Ford Flex, iPod, marketing,Scion at 4:15 am by imerchantadvance

Ted Stearns

On Monday I talked about “Conversation” - a key to modern marketing. Consumers, especially in this market, don’t want to be talked at any longer, they want a two-way conversation before they spend their dwindling dollars on anything.

Key number two - Innovation n.  a new idea or method. A new invention or way of doing something.

Ted Stearns

It’s that little idea, that little, seemingly insignificant detail that sets your product apart. It gets your noticed. Case in point, iPod earphones. Are you lost?  They are white, not black like every other earphone on the market. It may not seem like a big deal, but this is the kind of thing that starts conversations and makes you love a product. Stupid earphones. You’d probably buy the iPod even if the earphones were black, but Apple went the extra mile to stand out, make a statement, set themselves apart. Everyone loves being a part of something on the cutting edge.

If it’s not earphones, it’s starting your meetings @ 9:03 - just so people remember. It gets you noticed.

Ted Stearns

I remember the first time I saw a Scion XB - I literally laughed out loud - I had never seen anything like it - that crazy little box on wheels. But it grew on me and I now own a Scion. The look drew me in, the quality of a Japanese auto with awesome gas mileage and cheap price tag made me get one. Innovation.

Ford just came out with their “Flex” - cool Scion-like look - but you know what - it’s been done already, so it’s not new. (AND it’s a Ford which means it’s not made as well as a Scion).

 Ted Stearns

Innovation - what are you doing that’s new and going to get you noticed?

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