Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big Problems, Big Opportunities Ted Stearns

Big Problems, Big Opportunities Ted Stearns


Posted in Uncategorized tagged merchant advance, merchant cash advance,small business advance at 3:44 am by imerchantadvance

It’s hard to escape the woes of our economy. Even if you tried to, as a business owner you’re daily faced with financial instability all around and yet, the need to remain a presence in your industry. Ted Stearns


We have been here before. Back in the early 1990’s we were faced with a financial crisis that closed more than 800 federally insured institutions in three years. Ouch! Things are bad, but not that bad. In reading an article today regarding the likelihood of more bank failures over the next year, it made constant reference to the crisis back in the 1990’s. And while many fear we’re heading in the same direction, many are optimistic we will land on our feet much faster this time around. Needless to say it was a good lesson in economics - never very interesting while I was forced to listen to lectures on the subject in school, but now much more so, as my money is tied up in it. Ted Stearns


I read on and discovered an article written in April of 1990, Small Businesses Will Prosper in the 1990’s Despite Woes, discussing the coming likelihood of bank failures. While major banks and institutions did and will again see failure, it’s the small businesses that will often survive. It’s the innovation of the entrepreneur, the sweat of his/her efforts and desperation’s birth of invention that keeps America strong. Ted Stearns


Often it’s during the crunch that big businesses must humble themselves and make concessions to smaller businesses in an effort to stay afloat; ultimately making us more successful. Ted Stearns


Now is such a time. Take advantage of offers that are available to help you succeed in your industry through expansion, funding through merchant advances, consolidation, technological shortcuts. Ted Stearns


While many are feeling the pressure to fold, this may  be the time to strengthen your business.

For information regarding merchant cash advances contact us Ted Stearns

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