Thursday, November 20, 2008

Your Hard-Earned Money


Your Hard-Earned Money

Posted in observations tagged iMerchant Advance,, James Bond, marketing, merchant advance, merchant advance program, merchant cash advance, merchant credit funding, merchant fast cash, merchant funding,merchant loans, Pizza Factory, Quantum of Solace, recession at 3:23 am by imerchantadvance

Author: Ted Stearns

Over the weekend I got to thinking about what Americans will spend money on, even in the midst of a recession. Entertainment and Escape.

Sports stadiums continue to be filled along with movie theaters because people love to get away from reality. They would rather live the life of James Bond for 2 hours than their own. They want to watch football and pay too much for cheap beer than sit at home mediating on their empty wallets. They won’t pay their mortgage, but they will pay for a ticket away from their financial trials.

Ted Stearns

This weekend Bond’s new movie grossed more than $70million - not because it was playing at the cheap cinema, but because American’t are even willing to pay nearly $10 a head, not including the same in a trip to the concession stand - to get away.

Ted Stearns

Now they’ll even pay that for a crummy movie, but at least Quantum of Solacepromises to deliver, since the last one did - even though 90% of movie goers have no idea what the title actually means, it promises an escape. 

Think about what you are willing to spend money on in these tough times and market in those directions.

Ted Stearns

On Friday night my daughter had her end-of-the-season soccer banquet at the local Pizza Factory. By 6pm that place was packed out with the “ordering” line heading out the door. Kids were in the back wasting mom and dad’s hard earned money on games and spending their tickets on colored goo and spider rings. Parents are willing to place down $30-$40 for a night out - mom doesn’t have to cook, kids are babysat by the video games and the pizza was pretty darn good.

What are you willing to spend your money on in the midst of a recession. Leave a comment and let me know.

Ted Stearns


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