Thursday, November 20, 2008

Naked Conversations


Naked Conversations Ted Stearns


Posted in book reviews tagged blog, blogs, iMerchant Advance,, merchant advance, merchant advance program,merchant cash advance, merchant credit funding, merchant fast cash, merchant funding, merchant loans, merchant services, Naked Conversations blogging,Robert Scoble, Shel Israel at 12:39 am by imerchantadvance

41h7nbjmdml__bo2204203200_pisitb-sticker-arrow-clicktopright35-76_aa240_sh20_ou01_2Ted Stearns

As you may have noticed, marketing has changed in radical ways in the last few years. While many companies are stuck in the old-school ways, pumping millions into TV ads and press releases, many companies have discovered a more effective and more financially prudent way.

As I’ve mentioned before, blogging is an excellent tool to reach your clientele and after that, to meet their needs. Naked Conversations, by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, is a mind-blowing book about new ways to market your existing business and to get a new project up and running. Obviously, I’m a fan of blogging for many reasons, both personal and business-related, but the potential power of blogging as a free marketing tool is exponential. Ted Stearns


The book begins with discussing the power of blogging for damage control, by using Microsoft as an example. When Microsoft was barraged with hate mail for being the cyber equivalent of the “Evil Empire,” blogging was the necessary ointment to sooth unhappy customers. Why? It made Microsoft human. Ted Stearns


Customers like human contact, it makes them feel they are purchasing something from someone like themselves, not an untouchable, unfeeling corporation that’s only after their money.  While major corporations settle for guerrilla marketing tactics: telemarketing, commercials, ads - blogging is non-invasive and far more effective. Only 2% of people respond to guerrilla tactics and apparently that small percentage is enough to make corporations continue; even though most people hate the irritation and resent having their dinner interrupted to hear about a phone plan their not interested in. Ted Stearns


Naked Conversations is an inspiring introduction to blogging as a marketing tool and as a mode of self-expression for the casual writer. Take a look and get a blog. Ted Stearns


For information about merchant cash advances, visit iMerchant Advance or call 888.838.6006 Ted Stearns


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